Reading Day cum Book Character Parade

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The Primary Division celebrated its annual Book Character Day on April 17, 2019. Students and teachers joined in on whole-day reading activities by dressing up as their favourite book characters. The Book Character Parade was held during assembly. What a great collection of costumes and catwalk were shown at our annual Book Character Parade! Some Grade 5 to 6 students also shared about the STEAM project costumes. All of us had a fun-filled morning.

Students then participated in various reading activities around the campus. To foster students’ creativity, Grade 1 to 2 students created bookmarks based on their favourite books, while Grade 3 to 4 students designed and created reading response posters. Grade 5 to 6 budding writers made their own story books which will serve as inspiration for our younger readers. The Reading Across Campus activity saw happy faces immersed in books everywhere right from the atrium, the main staircase and library all the way to the Sky Garden. Author Talks engaged our readers in the fascinating world of storytelling. In addition, students were very excited to participate and eager to answer questions from their readings in the Battle of the Books Competition.

Reading is an integral part of enhancing literacy. Students are encouraged to read a variety of texts, for pleasure and for critical knowledge, in effect, developing a culture of reading across the campus. This year, positive education is incorporated into reading and the social-emotional learning of the VIA 24 character strengths is introduced. Students learn to read books from new perspectives and understand the importance of reading in the larger context of whole person development.