National Security Education
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China. Safeguarding national security is the constitutional duty of the HKSAR. This is also the common responsibility of all Hong Kong residents.
Following the implementation of the National Security Law, our school has been promoting national security education in different aspects, including school administration, staff management and training, learning and teaching, student guidance, discipline and support, as well as home-school cooperation.
A working group with members from different areas of work has been formed to take charge of the liaison and coordination work, and adopt a whole school approach in formulating and implementing measures related to safeguarding national security and national security education.
- Maintain a peaceful and orderly school environment and atmosphere
- Deepen students’ understanding of national security and the country’s development
- Enhance students’ sense of national identity
- Nurture students as good law-abiding citizens
國家安全教育日升旗禮 |
國家安全教育日國旗下的講話 |
國家安全教育日展覽 |
港區全國政協委員講座 |
國家安全教育教師講座 |
全民國家安全教育日班際問答比賽 |
社際基本法問答比賽2023 |
全港學界國家安全常識挑戰賽 |
優質教育基金計劃之國家安全教育活動的推廣 |
非遺活動系列 |
我校被宋慶齡基金會授予“中國宋慶齡基金會時代小先生示範校”銅牌 |
航天員訪港 |
國家安全日推廣週 |
國家安全教育活動 (中學部):
1. 未來棟樑初展英姿——祝賀我校優秀學子翟珀醇在全港學界國家安全常識挑戰賽中榮獲殿軍
3. 非遺活動系列