G1 Admission

2025-2026 Grade One Admission

For parents who would like to apply for a Grade 1 place for their child in the academic year 2025-2026, please complete the online application form through the link below and submit the required documents simultaneously.

Application Procedures:

Step Specific Date Online System Remarks
1. Complete online application & upload necessary documents May 20, 2024
12:00 n.n.
June 28, 2024
12:00 n.n.
Click to enter Online Application System
  • Applicants can complete the online application and upload necessary documents from 12:00 n.n.  May 20, 2024 (Monday) to 12:00 n.n. on June 28, 2024 (Friday)
2. First Round Assessment Late September Click to enter Frist Interview Enquiry System
  • Rescheduling of interviews will not be entertained. Applicants need to reserve time to attend the Frist Round of Interviews
  • Applicants can check the details for Frist Round Interviews through the online enquiry system
3. Second Round of Interview October Click to enter Second Interview Enquiry System
  • Second Round of Interviews is applicable to shortlisted applicants only
  • Rescheduling of interviews will not be entertained. Applicants need to reserve time to attend the Second Round of Interviews
  • Applicants can check the result of First Round Interview and the details for Second Round Interviews through the online enquiry
4. Announcement of Final Application Result Late November

Click to enter Result Enquiry System

  • Applicants can check the final result of Grade One Admission through the online application system

*In case of any unpredictable events that affect the Grade One Admission Application Schedule, the school will inform parents through the registered email or SMS.


Interview Content:

There will be individual interviews in the First Round of Interviews in September to October.

1.   We are looking for candidates with good social skills

2.   communication skills

3.   self-management

4.   command of language at an age-appropriate level

5.   curiosity as well as eagerness to learn

Eligible families will be invited for the Second Round of Interviews. In this round, the focus will be on the parent-child relationship, parental support and alignment with A-School vision.



1.   There is a 15% upper limit for the admission of Shatin residents.

2.   As a through-train Primary to Secondary school, we do not provide internal examinations for the purpose of the Hong Kong Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) process.

Kindergarten Principal’s Nomination Scheme for Financially Disadvantaged Students

Notes to Applicants
Nomination Form

Should you have any enquiries, please contact us via e-mail at psadmission@hkbuas.edu.hk.

Scholarship / Financial Assistance

Needy students, including those from families receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance and those receiving financial assistance provided by the Student Finance Office, could apply and be eligible for school fee remission. Besides, we welcome students who have noteworthy performance in sports, music, performing arts, visual arts, services, leadership or academic excellence to apply for our scholarship. The application forms and details of our Scholarship and Financial Assistance Schemes can be found on our school website (http://www.hkbuas.edu.hk). Hard copies of application forms and related information are also available at our school office. If you would like to apply for your child, please submit the application form and other related documents on the day of registration.

Financial assistance


Data Privacy Notice:

  1. All private data related to the Admission Process shall be handled in full compliance of all HK laws, ordinances, and EDB guidelines
  2. All the information submitted in the Application Form and other attachments will be used only for the admission purposes. All admission data of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after the admission process is completed.
  3. Documents submitted for the admission process will not be returned.


Frequently Asked Questions


2025-2026 Grade One Online Admission Briefings

The event was completed. You are also welcome to visit our school Facebook to learn more about the school learning and teaching arrangement.

Date & Time:

1st session:   18 May 2024 (Saturday)     09:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (Briefing Time: 09:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.)
2nd session:  18 May 2024 (Saturday)     02:00 p.m. – 04:30 p.m. (Briefing Time: 02:00 p.m. – 03:15 p.m.)

Reservation for Grade One Admissions Briefing cum Open House:

Reservation is available online on a first-come-first-served basis from 10:00 a.m. on 22 April, 2024 (Monday).



  1. Due to the overwhelming number of participants each year, parent can reserve 1 seat only. (If both father and mother would like to attend the G1 Admission Briefing, please reserve seats separately)
  2. These two identical briefings are for K2/N3 parents only. Children are not encouraged to attend as it is quite a long session in the introduction.
  3. The capacity is normally filled up very quickly within the first ten minutes. Due to an overwhelming response, there is a possibility that you might experience difficulties in assessing the online system. Please be patient and avoid calling the school office. Online reservation will be closed once the quota is full.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact us via e-mail at psadmission@hkbuas.edu.hk.