Home-School Partnership

We believe a good home school partnership is important for students’ growth. Therefore, we have different channels to enhance our home school partnership.

Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

A-School Parent-Teacher Association serves as an effective communication channel between the school and parents, which will certainly enhance the understanding of and support for each other. Each year, the PTA organizes various kinds of activities for both parents, teachers and students, such as festive celebrations, outings, workshops and “Staircase Running Competition”.

PTA website: http://www.hkbuaspta.org.hk/ptahome/

Parent Education Academy (PEA)

A-Parent Education Academy was established in 2018 and it has been providing various learning opportunities on Positive Education for every A-School parent. It aims to equip these parents with positive communication techniques and to understand their children’s emotions and stress, so as to build up a positive relationship with each other.

PEA website:https://sites.google.com/elearn.hkbuas.edu.hk/hkbuaspea/home

Parent Volunteers

A-School has a strong team of parent volunteers. They join as helpers in school events, library, story-telling activities, school decoration, lunchtime arrangements, and participate in cell groups as well as speakers in assemblies to share their life experiences. Parents’ active engagement in the school voluntary services provides a strong support to us. This enhances their understanding of A-School, and our students are benefited in different ways.

Campus decoration 2校園布置2
Campus decoration 2校園布置2
Campus decoration1 校園布置1
Campus decoration1 校園布置1
Career Expo 職業博覽會
Career Expo 職業博覽會
Dress Casual Day 家校便服日
Dress Casual Day 家校便服日
Parent Education Conference 2 家長教育研討會2
Parent Education Conference 2 家長教育研討會2
Parent Education Conference 家長教育研討會
Parent Education Conference 家長教育研討會
Parent volunteers
Parent volunteers
PEA ceremony 家長學堂頒獎禮
PEA ceremony 家長學堂頒獎禮
PTA AGM 家長教師會週年會員大會
PTA AGM 家長教師會週年會員大會
PTA picnic 家教會大旅行
PTA picnic 家教會大旅行
Running Stair Competition 活力跑樓梯大賽
Running Stair Competition 活力跑樓梯大賽
Seasonal Greeting節日祝福
Seasonal Greeting節日祝福