Welcome back A-Schoolers

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After a prolonged period of separation, students finally returned to school by phases following class resumption since the end of May. Resonance of familiar voices echoed in classrooms and corridors awakened our quiet campus. Although physical distance must be maintained, the kind of interaction on virtual platforms cannot be compared to that of meeting in person.

The long-awaited reunion of young faces livened up the school. To ensure a safe and hygienic environment, the school has conducted close monitoring of body temperature at the school gate, various precautionary measures and new dismissal arrangements to safeguard our students. Together with the support and supervision of parents and teachers, the daily temperature record also acts as an additional measure of protection.

All members of A-School were excited to see our students on campus. PTA prepared A-Care mask holder kits for all students, and produced tailor-made anti-epidemic posters and encouraging messages all around the campus, as well as the heartwarming greetings from our teachers. Students, welcome back to A-Family!