Moral and Civic Development

MCE has long been a crucial part in students’ all-round development. Our school MCE team is devoted to cultivating students’ positive outlook in their country, family, life and different learning areas.

We aim to foster ten key values in students' minds through moral and civic education. They are namely “Perseverance“, “Respect for Others“, “Responsibility“, “National Identity“, “Commitment“, “Integrity“, “Care for Others“, “Law-abidingness“, “Empathy“ and “Diligence“. The school sets different themes for MCE activity each year, some examples are personal growth, civic rights and responsibilities and interpersonal relationships. These students allow students to build positive values. This year, we have four main themes as follows.

1. Civic and Moral Education Class

During OLE periods and Mentor Time, our school conducts a series of moral and civic education classes to foster empathy, mutual care, respect and emotion management skills, and at the same time consolidate moral behavior. Our school has conducted lessons such as ‘Emotion and Positive Mindset Development’ , ‘Empathy’, ‘Internet Security and Online Bully Forum’. In these activities, students get to understand and manage their own emotions, foster empathy, and learn about the nature and consequences of bullying behaviours. They have learnt to protect themselves and others through these lessons. Together with the lecture notes and activities from A-Dairy, students’ learning is consolidated. They can realise and practice what they have learned with analytical tasks. Our students were devoted in such lessons and rendered full understanding in the above concepts.

2. Life Education and Positive Education

To build positive values and optimism in students’ minds, the students have deliberately invited various celebrities and alumni to share their life experiences. Our guests include a paralympic athlete, a life coach and an entrepreneur. After learning about the guest speakers’ life stories, dilemmas and decisions as well as their perceptions, students are able to develop passion towards life, and they learn to remain positive in face of difficulties.

We have also joined the ‘My Pledge to Act’ programme organised by the Education Bureau. The MPA Ambassadors and their Teacher Mentors would meet from time to time throughout the year to share their anecdotes in life. We aim to foster gratefulness, passion, optimism and a treasuring attitude so as to build positive values in the learning environment.

3.  National Education

To build proper vision for our nation and foster a positive sense of national identity, our team has dedicated ourselves to join a series of activities related to national security and basic law education. We had joined various competitions, namely ‘National Security Online Quiz Competition’ and ‘Knowledge on National Conditions Competition and Diplomat Knowledge Competition (Hong Kong Region)’. We also hosted an inter-chamber basic law competition and more activities alike. Students showed passion over the learning of the National Constitutions and the Basic Law.

Our student leaders have also joined the ‘2021 Hong Kong Basic Law Ambassador Training Scheme’. These ambassadors were invited to attend the 2021 prizing ceremony cum the ‘A Date with Law’ forum to celebrate their decent performance and keen participation in the scheme and school-based activities based on Constitution and Basic Law. These activities did not only foster their knowledge in related areas but also helped them foster better understanding of national politics and legal systems. Their vision and horizons were broadened, and their leadership skills were boosted.

Apart from our Flag Raising routine every week, we also conduct flag raising ceremonies on special days such as National Security Day, Nanjing Massacre 84th Memorial Day, HKSAR Establishment Day, etc. The school teachers and MCD Leaders conduct sharing under the National flag to preach patriotic values and history of our country.

In the past, a myriad of exchange activities was hosted with students in different regions of our country. The Bouyei Culture Study trip, the four-day-three-night civic and cultural education in Bay Region and the Teenager Community Annual Meeting and Launching Ceremony in Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Greater Bay Area are some examples. Students visited the respective areas and learned about the cultures in person. They got to explore the Greater Bay Area and understand the country's development. During times of pandemic, we still conducted online exchange activities with Tianjin Yew Wah Secondary School to learn from each other and conduct cultural exchange.

4. Deep Thought Time

In synchronization with the launch of value education, we conduct Deep Thought Time in the last period of every Friday. Experienced teachers are invited to conduct sharing based on the themes of personal growth and My Pledge to Act. The speakers deliver speeches upon topics on perseverance, empathy, gratefulness, passion, and positivity. The sharings sow seeds of positivity in students’ minds and prepare them for their future challenges.


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