Students stood out in global coding competition

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An exciting news was heard from the Secondary Division. Three students joined an international coding competition to battle against over 1,500 participants from more than 50 countries/regions. In the month-long online contest in August, our students stood out with their own codes and earned themselves excellent results.

Together with other representatives from Hong Kong, the team of 40 members participated in CodeQuest, a coding tournament organised by CodeCombat, a platform for learning programming languages, and was ranked the first place in the secondary schools division in Asian region. The tournament was an AI arena battle which required players to design AI algorithms and programmes in Python language to allow auto-competition in order to defeat opponents and win the most rounds.

In the secondary schools division, after rounds of games, with their self-developed algorithms, our students secured top places worldwide and locally –

Name World Ranking Hong Kong Ranking Award
G10 WONG Kai Chung 6th 3rd Global First Class
G10 YEUNG Hiu Long 33rd 7th Global Second Class
G8 CHAN Nathan Heilun 82nd 21st Global Third Class

Our junior grades ICL lessons included CodeCombat in the teaching of coding during class suspension period and throughout the curriculum, coding is integral in the nurturing of computer literacy.

An online award celebration was held on 5 September to celebrate the winners and highlight their submissions and best strategies. Congratulations to our talented young programmers! The honour is hard-earned and a vote of thanks to ICL teachers for coordinating the competition and supporting our team.