Arts Festival 2021

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The Arts Festival 2021 has just started! The theme for this year is “Flourish from Me to We”. All along the week, the campus will be filled with aesthetically pleasing artworks and music performances.

The Dance Room has been transformed into an art gallery. Under the spotlights, we are showcasing a number of students’ artworks selected from the VA curriculum, the Artist in Residence projects and the aesthetic development courses, together with the winning entries from the school’s 15th Anniversary Photography Competition. You may have spotted some cute “twinkling little guys” at different corners on our secondary school campus. They are from an Artist in Residence project called “Twinkle Twinkle Little School” led by a local artist Kila Cheung. Our students painted faces on the warning lights and each of them represents a unique member of our school. See if you can recognise who is who!

It is an excellent opportunity to let our students demonstrate their aesthetic talents, and to spread the culture of art appreciation in A-School.