Student Development Evening – Primary Division

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Student Development Evening of Primary Division was successfully held on 5 October, which happened to be the International Teacher's Day too! Thanks parents for their enthusiastic support which filled the night with lots of positive energy. 

A-School always works hard to establish strong communication with parents in order to let our students receive consistent messages about the value of education. This year, a "Character Strength" workshop was held in order to let our parents understand and appreciate their child’s character strengths. Through this workshop, parents were encouraged to create stronger and deeper connections with their children.

Joyful smiles were seen in the classrooms when the children received the appreciation messages written by their parents the following Monday. These messages definitely touched our students' hearts.

Last but not least, a big thanks to our passionate and compassionate teachers who serve as a parenting role when the children are in school. The teachers are their understanding companions during good times and are their patient listeners during bad times.

Let's work hand in hand to flourish our students into a person who has passion and compassion!