Music Marathon @ HKBUAS 2022

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Our signature event, Music Marathon, started on a beautiful Saturday morning, showcasing our passion for the performing arts through memorable musical performances. Audiences at all three sessions were awed by the musical talent of the students, and all six grades did themselves proud.

This year’s performances covered a wide range of songs from peppy numbers to classic Christmas carols with songs being sung in English, Cantonese, Putonghua, and even in German! Our supremely talented students from each class also had a variety of musical instruments being played including the piano, drums, harps, and other wind, string, and percussion instruments, all showcasing their music ensemble skills. The dancing skills of our students were an eye-opener with loud applause coming their way for tap dances to gymnastics. In between performances, our wonderful emcees had games ready with prizes to be won.

Our school Chinese drum team and Orchestra entertained a spellbound audience. The cherry on the icing was a surprise performance from our Secondary School Director of Music and Performing Arts, Dr Hon and his band of secondary school students.

Our heartfelt thanks to Uncle Carl who has been our consultant for MM and whose unwavering support and advice during the MM rehearsals ensured such high quality performances. We are also grateful to our wonderful parent community who have supported MM so wholeheartedly in a myriad of ways.

Our Music Marathon is a testimony to the strong emphasis the school places on whole person development, balancing academics with aesthetic education through an opportunity to perform to a wider audience by every single member of the student population.