Excel 33P Inauguration Ceremony cum Seeing With Our Hearts Project Kick-off Ceremony of Primary Division

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Excel 33P is a top-tier student leadership training programme specializes in helping students to acquire and sharpening essential qualities and skills needed for excellent leadership. The programme offers activities of various domains, namely Iron Excel, Intellectual Excel and Envoy & Service Excel. These domains provide training on students’ physical fitness, social experience and community engagement, preparing them to be servant leaders and role models of A-School. After a rigorous screening process, a new batch of Excel 33P members was selected. 2nd October marked the Inauguration Ceremony of them and also the kick-off ceremony of the second phase of the Seeing With Our Hearts project.

Supported by Quality Education Fund, Seeing With Our Hearts Project has been launched for a year. A micro-movie was produced by the Excel 33P students last year to nurture among audience the ability to understand and appreciate the effort made by teachers in enhancing students’ school life.

With the school theme this year — “Flourish from me to WE”, it is hoped that this year productions will guide students to understand the life and views of others, and thus empathise with them. Production of three other micro movies by the student leaders are in the pipeline in this school year whose storylines will focus on the major stakeholders of our school — students, parents and teachers.

We had the honor to have invited Lai Ho, author of The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes, to be the officiating guest of the kick-off ceremony and to share with students the inspiration behind his creative work. He also answered questions from his book fans. Students were overjoyed meeting with Sherlock Holmes, and were excited to know that observation skills and reasoning ability are two of the keys to successful creative work.

With Author Lai Ho’s presence, our Vice Principal and Teachers-in-Charge held the kick-off ceremony for this year’s shooting. Stay tuned for our student leaders’ production!