Popular Science Talk: Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs in Hong Kong (馬蹄蟹在香港的保育現況)

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On 17 Jan 2024, a group of G10 and G11 science students had the privilege of attending a captivating talk by Professor CHEUNG Siu Gin, an esteemed expert in studying horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong. The talk delved into the intricate living environment of horseshoe crabs, shedding light on their unique habitats and the fascinating adaptations that have allowed them to thrive for millions of years. Furthermore, Professor CHEUNG provided valuable insights into the detrimental impact of microplastics on horseshoe crabs, emphasizing the urgent need for environmental awareness and conservation efforts. His passionate discourse on the conservation of these ancient creatures left a lasting impression on the audience, inspiring a newfound appreciation for the importance of preserving their natural habitats. The students were truly privileged to gain such valuable knowledge from a leading expert in the field.