Cultivating 3-Literacy
- Studies are immersed in an environment of English, Chinese and Information and Computer Literacy.
- Students are encouraged to apply their languages and IT skills over a broad range of subjects.
Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices
Hands-on engaging learning tasks

Co-operative Learning Structures

Project-based Learning

Learn through Authentic and Interactive Tasks
- Explore, discuss and construct meaning through real-world problems;
- Projects and problems related to students’ lives and the world around us;
- Project-based learning;
- Problem-based learning;
- Experiential learning for Grade 1.
Focus on the Learning Process
- Real-life Experiences
- Trial and Error
- Prediction
- Application
- Innovation
Develop Generic Skills
Numeracy Skills |
Problem-solving Skills |
Self-management Skills |
Study Skills |
Collaboration Skills |
Communication Skills |
Creativity |
Critical Thinking Skills |
Information Technology Skills |
Student-Led Conferences
Enhance Whole Person Development
- Liberal Art
- Moral and Civic Education
- Social Service Groups
- Other Learning Experience
- Uniform Group
- Leadership Training Programmes
- Sports & Aesthetic Development
- Reading to Learn

Bright Smiles Activeity

Diagnose Students’ Learning Needs
- Continuous formative assessments are carried out throughout the learning process in order to document students’ growth.
- Mid-term (Term 2) and term-end (Term 1 and 2) summative assessments are carried out so as to provide teachers, students and parents a holistic review on students’ learning progress.
- Assessment results will be analysed and evaluated for the teaching and learning process in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
Cater to Individual Learning Needs
- Small Group Learning
- Small group learning is arranged in English, Chinese and Mathematics lessons to lower student-teacher ratio, enhance interaction and encourage student participation. Students are arranged into groups according to their learning needs.
- Enhancement and Enrichment Programmes
- A-School encourages multi-dimensional development of students. Enrichment programmes are offered to provide challenges to students. Through these programmes, students can deepen their learning and develop their interest.
- Through establishing the data bank for talented students, students may have opportunities to participate in gifted programmes offered by educational institutions like Math Olympiad, or school teams like Drama, Debate and Robotics.
- In OLE lessons, students can choose to participate in different courses to enrich their learning experiences.
- The school supports students with different educational needs by offering skills training groups and individual educational plan. The goal is to help students to reach basic competency in their learning and to build up an effective learning habit.
- Acceleration Programmes
In acknowledgment of the diversity of students’ abilities, acceleration programmes at A-School provide for educational flexibility. Curriculum content is provided earlier or at a faster pace to cater for the readiness, competencies and motivation of high-achieving students. Options provided include grade-skipping and subject-skipping.
- Students with a wide range of interests and abilities who are capable at performing at one or more grade levels beyond the current year will be considered for grade-skipping.
- Students who excel in a particular subject will have an opportunity for subject-skipping in order to enable them to learn content and work with peers who match their current level of performance.