International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Achievements


Every year, our students are given the opportunity to take part in the International Competitions and Assessments for School (ICAS), which are world-class school assessments designed to recognize and award academic excellence in the fields of English, Writing, Science and Mathematics.

The ICAS competition medals are awarded to students scoring the highest score in their region. Being awarded an ICAS medal is a significant accomplishment for students during their academic years. This year, A-school students have brought home four medals topping their year level and subject in Hong Kong and Macau! Congratulations to Mok Hing Yu and Wang Shun Yiu for winning the mathematics medal and to Zhang Long Yui for winning the science medal. A special shout out to Mok Hing Yu for also winning the English writing award! These achievements are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, as well as the guidance and support provided by our teachers. Their exemplary achievements were recognized at the ICAS Medal ceremony. During the ceremony, our Assistant Principal, Ms. Winnie Pradhan, spoke about how the school's vision and mission inspire the talents of our students to build their dreams. It was truly a joy to see our medal winners receive their awards, surrounded by their families, distinguished guests, and fellow medal winners.
The top 1% of candidates in each year level in Hong Kong are awarded High Distinction. Ten students have been awarded High Distinction in Writing, seven students in Mathematics, four students in English, and one student in Science.

We are proud of their accomplishments and look forward to seeing them continue to excel in their academic pursuits and beyond. Once again we congratulate them for their exceptional academic performance in ICAS.