📚 A Wonderful Recap of the Bible Story Parent Reading Activity! 📚


We want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible success of our recent reading activity, "Bible Story Parent", where our Grade 1 students had the opportunity to dive into the world of Christian storytelling.

We are immensely grateful for the nine amazing parents who dedicated their time and effort to prepare captivating Bible stories and special gifts for our students. Their commitment to spreading the teachings and values of Christianity is truly commendable.

Throughout this activity, our students were exposed to the timeless wisdom and moral lessons found in these Bible stories. It was heartwarming to witness their enthusiasm and engagement as they embraced the essence of these Christian tales.

We extend our deepest appreciation to the participating parents for their unwavering support and dedication in promoting Christian values through storytelling. Your efforts have left a lasting impact on the educational and spiritual growth of our students.

Let's continue to nurture a love for reading and encourage the exploration of Christian stories as we strive to build a community that values and cherishes these teachings.

#ReadingActivityRecap #BibleStories #ChristianValues #Education #ParentalSupport